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The Digital Shop® Blog

AutoVitals Announces The Digital Shop® Conference 2021: Online, January 27th, 2021

December 14, 2020

Today AutoVitals, the leading Shop Success Solution provider to automotive repair and maintenance shops, announced the fourth annual The Digital..

Techs Writing Estimates? Not at These Shops

December 4, 2020

Should your techs be writing estimates? That was the topic of discussion on a recent episode of The Digital Shop® Talk Radio. Neil Daly from ..

2 Tools Mike Button Needs To Run His 3 Auto Repair Shops

December 1, 2020

Technology has made an enormous difference for auto repair shop owner Mike Button. Not only has his new POS system allowed him to transition from one..

Top 5 Most Common Questions from New Digital Shops

November 12, 2020

Bill Connor knows the automotive industry. For nearly 40 years he has worked in auto repair shops, and most recently, he has spent more than five..

TVP Update: New Tools and a Focus on Basics

November 5, 2020

AutoVitals recently released an updated version of the Today’s Vehicle Page (TVP). Fred Haynes, owner of four Honest-1 shops in Minnesota, and his..

COVID Changes Reap Rewards

October 29, 2020

During normal times, the numbers Russ Crosby is producing at his auto repair shop, Russ’s Wrench in Clinton, New Jersey, would be impressive. In the..

Meet Bill Connor: AutoVitals Trainer and Jack-of-all-Trades

October 26, 2020

Bill Connor has loved cars since he was little. It might have started with his uncle, who he helped repair cars with when he was young, it may have..

4 Pillars to Build a Strong Online Presence For Your Auto Repair Shop

October 23, 2020

81% of American consumers will do online research before considering a major purchase and where to spend their dollar. That means, in order to turn..

3 Ways to Make the Most of Slow Times

October 15, 2020

In early September, Tom Dorsey, host of The Digital Shop® Talk Radio, posted a question on his Facebook page. “How does your shop handle down time?..

Want to Successfully Transition to a Digital Shop? Do These 5 Things.

October 12, 2020

If you could triple your ARO in 24 months with the same car count, would you do it? How about increasing your weekly revenue by more than 80% with..

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